Control your food and you control your life.
Visit to view an amazing
urbun symbiotic system.
urbun symbiotic system.
HomeGrown Revolution

The average person eats approximately 1 ton of food a year, Whaaaaaaaattttt? That's right, 1 ton, can you imagine that. That is approximately 5.5 lbs of food a day. Almost 200 lbs of meat and 35 gallons of milk, 250 eggs and 400 lbs of vegetables. Wow! we are food consuming machines. How much of that 2,000 lbs of food is natural or unadulterated by GMO's and other hormones and compounds? We all need food that's just a fact, so shouldn't good healthy natural food be our priority!
Loans and grants for farms and Families.
The USDA is a federal arm of the government that is set up to help promote rural living. They offer alot of programs that give low and sometimes no interest loans as well as grants to help support rural families buy land and make improvements.