The following information has been gathered from outside sources and is in no way the opinion, direction or prescription of or it's owners or employees, siblings, heirs, neighbors, pets or indentured servants. Please do your due diligence and research before excepting any information about anything from any source as final or factual. (always get a second opinion from someone smarter then yourself. and always be willing to guide someone lesser known then yourself.)
The following information has been gathered from outside sources and is in no way the opinion, direction or prescription of or it's owners or employees, siblings, heirs, neighbors, pets or indentured servants. Please do your due diligence and research before excepting any information about anything from any source as final or factual. (always get a second opinion from someone smarter then yourself. and always be willing to guide someone lesser known then yourself.)
Tips, Ticks and Remedies
Hydrogen peroxide
First off, did you know that your body makes Hydrogen Peroxide naturally to help fight off infections. What is Hydrogen Peroxide (Ph)? Well it is more simple then simple, it is water (hydrogen) and oxygen (peroxide) combined together to make (H2O2) one of the lightest elements known on the periodic table, and oh ya, It's amazing. If you look on your bottle you will see it says 3%, this is standard public use Hp. At higher levels it becomes unstable and dangerous but that's not important here because you can't buy that over the counter. 3% Hp is probably the safest non chemical cleaning, anti fungal, germ killing, deodorizing product you can get your hands on. It will clean wounds, stop a tooth ache, clean your windows, fight cancer, whiten your teeth, kill strep, clean fruits and vegetables, disinfect your coffee pot.. ect. ect ect. The first step in home medicine needs to start here with Hydrogen peroxide. Hp will break down and destabilize in sunlight, that is why it is always stored in a dark colored bottle.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has approved hydrogen peroxide as a sanitizer.
Fun Fact: It is a break down of peroxides that make a fire fly light up.
The glory's and uses of Hydrogen Peroxide are far to vast to go into here so we gathered a list of links for you to look at and study,
Links and Resources
Scientific make up of Hp 28 Amazing uses for Hp Cancer fighting Hp Therapy (PDF)
EBook The Magic of Hydrogen Peroxide $3.99 Homemade Non ToxicHousehold Cleaners
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has approved hydrogen peroxide as a sanitizer.
Fun Fact: It is a break down of peroxides that make a fire fly light up.
The glory's and uses of Hydrogen Peroxide are far to vast to go into here so we gathered a list of links for you to look at and study,
Links and Resources
Scientific make up of Hp 28 Amazing uses for Hp Cancer fighting Hp Therapy (PDF)
EBook The Magic of Hydrogen Peroxide $3.99 Homemade Non ToxicHousehold Cleaners
Diatomaceous earth
If you have never heard of Diatomaceous earth then you better go put the kettle on and make some tea, there is a history here. Diatomaceous earth is a left over product from a single celled organism from a day long gone by, these prehistoric lifeling's were a type of single celled algae that took on a tubular structure known as diatoms. It is now mined out of dried up water sources both salt and fresh lake beds. it is gathered and pulverized into a powder of tiny minute shards and used for everything from toothpaste abrasives to a stabilizer for dynamite and everything in between. It has thousands of applications, its thermal properties are so high that it is used as an insulator in some fire safes and its absorption qualities make it great for cleaning chemical spills. During the cholera epidemic in Hamburg in 1892, Diatomaceous water filters were designed by Wilhelm Berkefeld an\d used successfully to curb and finally control the outbreak. The sharp glassy structure makes it a great natural substance to control insects with, once the insect comes in contact with it, the fine powder immediately begins to cut the insects open and they dehydrate, it works with all insects, bedbugs, cockroaches, spiders, fleas ect. it can safely be added to a pets coat to control fleas or to a garden to control pests. Freshwater food grade can be fed orally to pets to control parasites. In the garden Diatomaceous is used for pest control as well as a fertilizer, it allows water to flow freely and captures nitrogen to release it back slowly as well as containing a plethora of minerals, hydroponic growers call it "the other secret". you will never figure out all of the uses for diatomaceous because they're ever ending, medical claims have been made as to freshwater food grade diatomaceous lowering cholesterol and blood pressure to restoring organ functions, We will leave this research up to you, but know this, you should know about diatomaceous and all of its abilities to make your life better in a natural way, There is huge difference between fresh water food grade diatomaceous-earth and the stuff in your pool filter, never use pool grade diatomaceous around food or animals and never breath it, there are many suppliers of good sourced fresh water food grade diatomaceous-earth.
Diatomaceous_earth/WIKI FoodlessFriday PETS GARDEN
Diatomaceous_earth/WIKI FoodlessFriday PETS GARDEN
It's not just for Stanky face anymore. The basic compounds of Listerine are the essential oils of Thyme, Eucalyptus and winter greens (Menthol), So right off the bat you have some the greatest known substances for killing curing and defunking germs and infections as well as revitalizing good tissue, and then all of that is stored in an alcohol base, so basically you have a giant tincture of pro bio power. It can be used to clean cuts and sterilize instruments in emergency situations. There are a couple of other lesser known applications as well like Dandruff control. Dandruff is said to be a type of fungus that grows on your scalp so it only makes sense then that it will also help with athletes foot, put some on a cotton ball and rub the inside of shoes to help eliminate odor as well. Some people even say it controls acne as well and makes a good after shave. Created in1879 by Dr. Joseph Lawerence, who later would become the founder of Johnson and Johnson, he named the product after a surgeon friend of his Dr. Lister who had been making strides in the use of antiseptics in the surgery room as far as infections were concerned, The use of antiseptics greatly reduced the amount of post surgery infections. I for one had no idea of the vast history involved until working this article.
Also containing eucalyptus as well as camphor, menthol, spirits of turpentine, cedar leaf oil, myristica oil and thymol, (turpentine oil is gathered from pine trees.) This is like Grandma's love in a jar, Historically know for fighting coughs and congestion it will knock a cold sore and other simplexes out in hours and bust up nail fungus's. Some people say to apply it to your achy feet for revitalization, others have said it helps to keep mosquitoes away as well. It has also been known to serve relief from headaches and joint pains and tooth aches when rubbed on the jaw or outer part of the mouth in the local area. You should always have a jar on hand.
Are one the greatest sources of vitamin C in North America and in the world, did you know that? with more then 2000 mg of V-C per per 100g. Due to merchant embargos during the second world war the British Government encouraged its citizens to partake in the use of rose hips to meet their daily vitamin C intake.
although faintly bitter and seedy when picked freshed most people dry them out and make a tea or jam. When dried and brewed into a tea the flavor is fuller and more desirable. It has been said to help with arthritis pain and over all joint comfort as well as helping to fight off colds and flues. Recent research by Cornell University has also proved it to be one of the top antioxidants available. Another good source for vitamin C is in pine needle tea.
Medical News Rose Hip Tea Rose Hip Wiki
although faintly bitter and seedy when picked freshed most people dry them out and make a tea or jam. When dried and brewed into a tea the flavor is fuller and more desirable. It has been said to help with arthritis pain and over all joint comfort as well as helping to fight off colds and flues. Recent research by Cornell University has also proved it to be one of the top antioxidants available. Another good source for vitamin C is in pine needle tea.
Medical News Rose Hip Tea Rose Hip Wiki
Making Rose Hip Tea
Making rose hip Tea. Pick your fresh rose hips in the late summer to early fall. Place the hips in a shoe box lid in an open aired space. Shake the lid once or twice a day to move the hips around allowing them to dry evenly on all sides. If the hips become moist or soft or gooey discard them and start over in a different drying area. The hips will shrivel on all sides and become hard, usually after about 2 weeks. Cold drying will take longer but it is said more nutrients are preserved. once dried and stone like you can put them in sealed jars or bags to use as you need them or make tea immediately. Grind your dried hips in a coffee grinder or spice grinder. Bring 3 cups of water to a boil and then reduce heat to a simmer, deposit a third of a cup of ground rose heaps and steep for 15 minutes. (play with this formula to your liking) when done pore the brew through a steel food grade strainer to catch the seeds and pulp into a cup allowing it to cool and then enjoy. adding milk, sugar or other sweeteners may lessen the effect of the tonic, adding honey is said to be an added bonus in benefits but try it straight first.
Flour and Burns
There has been a lot of hoopla on line about this, It all started with an e-mail about a Vietnam Vet and a house wife, she burns herself with boiling water and he advises to use flour, the machine was in an uproar about this and came out swinging and debunking it at every turn. even posted a FALSE on it. Well I am here to tell you that it works, being in the Food industry for my entire being in one way, shape or another I have had my share of cuts and burns, burns are the worst because they always seem to be in an obvious and well used area of your body. You have to wait days for the hole tender blister pop thing and then the raw skin for another couple days and even sometimes infection after that. The e-mail talks about a water burn, I don't know about that but I do know about grease burns, I to got this e-mail and couldn't wait to burn myself again to test its validity and sure enough I did, such as I have many times since and every time I do I run for the flour, The pain is instantly relieved and blistering is minimal and sometimes nonexistent. We are talking about 1st and 2nd degree burns here and I have never had to try it on anything more then that. They're are countless sites debunking this theory or practise but I know it works and I am amazed everytime I do it. I hope the man nor the machine comes after me for telling the truth, but now you know. Maybe I'll do an intentional burn video to show everyone, or not. You should still seek medical attention for any burn of 2nd degree or higher, at this level of wound your biggest threat is infection and tetunas and it should be dealt with immediately. I personally have only used this method on my Fingers and do not recommend this as a final treatment.
See the debunking and the original e-mail ><
Read a realistic Debunking >Free Press. UK<
Burn Degree chart and information- Wiki- >BURNS<
Mayo Clinic degree Burn system >Mayo Clinic<
See the debunking and the original e-mail ><
Read a realistic Debunking >Free Press. UK<
Burn Degree chart and information- Wiki- >BURNS<
Mayo Clinic degree Burn system >Mayo Clinic<
Fruit Fly Trap
If your like me your compost bucket tends to get ignored and out control and you end up fruit fly's infesting your house or maybe not because your on top of things. I have a hundred projects going on at one time and things tend to slip away from me, unless they start smoking or leaking it can be a while before I get back to them ( the fish aren't gonna catch themselves). So every now and again I go to war with fruit fly's that have taken over the composting pail under the sink, luckily our weapons department has developed a state of the art "fruit fly fubarer" and its just to easy and effective, Grab a small container, I used a yogurt cup, some dish soap and apple-cider vinegar, poor about a 1/4 cup of apple-cider in the cup and then add 3-5 drops of dish soap and set it near your infestation. The flies are attracted to the cider but once they land the soap pulls them under, you can also add a lid or plastic rap with allot of big holes punched into it. once the fly's are in it its allot harder for them to get out. I don't use a lid because it catches house fly's too. It will take 3-5 days to rid the infestation as eggs are still hatching, but you will win the war. clean the area as best as possible and change out the trap as needed.
Life-cycle of a Fruit fly.
Life-cycle of a Fruit fly.
Sharpen your kitchen knives on a cup.
If you don't have a knife sharpener handy, the bottom of a porcelain coffee cup will do, I like it better actually, it puts a nice razor finish on the blade, be careful not to pull the knife into you when doing it, it is best to stand to the opposite side of the blade. Lay the knife a little less then flat on its edge and slowly drag it across the bottom of the cup from the bottom, closest to the handle to its tip.